The Reluctant Polemicist February 13, 2025 There’s a fine line between contending and stirring up trouble; speaking a soft word or being harsh; being prepared or disrespectful; being responsible or a busybody; correcting or fault-finding; being discerning or divisive. A godly polemicist needs to know that line, and I fear very few do.
Lord's Day Keeping the Lord's Day February 11, 2025 Twenty years ago, I was finishing lunch on a Sunday afternoon at my pastor’s house. It was getting later than I expected, so I tried to leave, saying, “I need to get
Confessionalism Confessional Subscription in the RPCNA December 02, 2024 Admittedly, system subscription comes with complexities and likely with inconsistencies, and a measure of danger. There are wrinkles that have not been ironed out and may never be.
Paedocommunion To Commune or Not Commune: A Few Thoughts on Paedocommunion November 12, 2024 The table of the Lord has a cherished place in the church because it bears his name — it’s the Lord’s Table. As King and Head of the Church he determines who may come and in what manner they may come.
wisdom Felling Folly With Wisdom August 30, 2024 Parents and churches need to harmonize their voices with wisdom. Boys and men, enlisted in the ranks of Jesus Christ, need to be exhorted to move forward like an advancing army, hewing a path by biblical wisdom.
presbyterianism Ministering in Jesus' Name May 31, 2024 The courts gather to discern the mind of Christ as it’s revealed by the Holy Spirit in the Word of God — they gather to minister in Jesus’ name.
Masculinity A Word to Young Men May 30, 2024 Perhaps why this is particularly urged for younger men is that it’s a rare grace to be found in them. The young are often marked by carelessness, thoughtlessness, and a lack of control. But in Jesus Christ this is the ideal young men are to strive after in the strength of the Holy Spirit.
preaching Preaching Law and Gospel May 24, 2024 He responded by saying: “That’s a very fair observation.” He went on to admit that he’d rather tell people what Christ did for them than tell them what they need to do for Christ.
good advice Pastoral Advice January 19, 2024 I do not remember who said it, but someone once said: “When I was young I gave advice to everyone fearful no one would listen. Now that I’m older I give advice to no one fearful everyone will listen.” There’s a note of wisdom in that self-experience.
J. Gresham Machen He Failed — But He Was Undoubtedly Right December 11, 2023 With clarity and consistency he drew a line in the sand. He sharpened the creedal edge that had long been blunted by compromise. You either stand on the side of biblical Christianity or you don’t.
prayer Because He Has Heard November 28, 2023 Within seconds I knew this was a serious phone call: "It's my son. I think he drowned. He was unresponsive when they pulled him from the water, but the ambulance got him breathing again. We need prayer."
pastoral ministry A Willing Shepherd October 25, 2023 With a double emphasis the Apostle makes his point negatively and positively — a shepherd needs to volunteer himself for his work and not simply be forced by arm-twisting.
Antichrist Remembering the Man of Sin September 22, 2023 Whether you align with that consensus or not, like the Thessalonians we need to receive and remember this Apostolic teaching. It has been revealed for our protection and good.
football Competing for the First Day September 07, 2023 On the one hand, there’s the rhythm, tone, and nature of the first day of the week prescribed by God. On the other, is the changed rhythm, tone, and nature that football has introduced into the life of our society.
pastoral ministry "God Knows I Love You" August 19, 2023 The voice on the other end of the phone sounded hollow and unhappy as he expressed to me his fatigue in the ministry: "I imagine I feel about my congregation how Jonah felt about Nineveh.”
encouragement Unfolding a Letter of Encouragement June 02, 2023 This world isn’t substantial — it’s fleeting and transient like a wisp of smoke. And he’s encouraging us to live for a much more substantive and concrete reality than all the comforts, happiness, and pleasures of life can offer.
pastoral ministry A Band of Brothers February 16, 2023 Faithfulness in the ministry requires pastors to bear the cross of impartiality — to cherish the relationships necessary for the work but to lean in no man’s direction.
Christmas Putting the Mess in Christmess December 12, 2022 Maybe Stephen Nissenbaum was onto something when he wrote: “It may not be going too far to say that Christmas has always been an extremely difficult holiday to Christianize. Little wonder that [some] were willing to save themselves the trouble.”
preaching Patiently Hearing the Word November 11, 2022 It’s fascinating that an inspired letter — a letter that is the very breathing out of God — needs an inspired command to be patient with the breathed out word of exhortation. And if the word of God requires an exercise of patience how much more the preaching of that word
sexual abuse Sexual Abuse and Outpacing the Church November 07, 2022 I am convinced that far from being behind society, the church should be leading in service to the abused. Why? Precisely because of who and what the church is. The identity of the church is not a liability in these matters but our greatest strength and advantage.
Spiritual Abuse Spiritual Abuse: Seeing What We Don't Want to See September 22, 2022 This is the world we live in. It would be nice if we could close our eyes and leave unseen the sin in, toward, and around us. But that kind of naivety isn’t proper for Christians. Being a child of God means we need to be willing to see the things we wish would remain unseen.
King Charles III and Securing the True Protestant Religion September 10, 2022 With the death of Queen Elizabeth II the United Kingdom and a watching world are preparing for a lot of royal pageantry. It's a pageantry that comes with a lot of history and even a little bit of theology.
Letter of James When You're Not at Home September 07, 2022 We are not at home. The church is a scattered people, and we will remain that way until Jesus with a call of command gathers us together and we will be with the Lord forever.
Forgiveness All Things Forgiveness July 09, 2022 Forgiveness is central to the Christian ethic. As a forgiven people the glory of the children of God is to be a forgiving people. But, important as forgiveness is, it's also misunderstood, trivialized, and in the hands of some even weaponized.
The Ten Commandments The Fifth Commandment July 08, 2022 “Honor your father and your mother.” This command was once engraved on the tablets of stone, was exemplified in the life of Jesus, and it is now written on the heart of believers by the ministry of the Holy Spirit and affirmed by Apostolic authority.