Current Events Of Rome And Popes And Humility September 25, 2015 Pope Francis has landed and, if the media circus is an indication, it's a pretty big deal. Historically I can understand the significance of his visit. He's only the
Ashley Madison, Sin, and Judgment August 20, 2015 The Greek philosopher Plato once told a story about an ancient and magical artifact known as the Ring of Gyges. This ring possessed the power to grant invisibility to the one who wore
abortion A Modest Proposal: We Are the Satire July 21, 2015 "I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome
children Are My Children Christians? June 26, 2015 Children. They're a blessing from the Lord, right? Absolutely! But if you're a parent you know that these little people are the source of more fear, anxiety, and worry
Church Shepherd the Shepherd June 23, 2015 It wasn't until I was nearly twenty-two years old that I first became a member of a church. In the college town where I was, there was a small Presbyterian congregation
Discipleship Am I Being Discerning or Critical? June 19, 2015 About six years ago someone I know--one of my seminary professors--shared with me a concern he had regarding my critical spirit. The conversation went like this: "You know Kyle, if there was
Ecclesiology In Their Own Words: "No Middle Ground" June 10, 2015 Normally I like to avoid false dichotomies. Simply defined, a false dichotomy is when two alternatives are presented as the only possible options, unnecessarily forcing someone into an either/or situation. Keep your
The Hospital is Full of Sick People! May 29, 2015 I'm shocked! I mean absolutely shocked! Now, I don't normally write in order to rant. I'm a firm believer that people have better things to do than
Church Optimistic Thoughts from a Pessimist April 11, 2015 In 284 AD_ _Diocletian, then the cavalry commander of the Roman army, was proclaimed emperor of Rome. In 302 he consulted the oracle of Apollo at Didyma and there became persuaded that those
Jesus Missing Jesus With Thomas April 10, 2015 On the evening of the first Lord's Day, the day of Jesus' resurrection, Thomas was absent. The other disciples were gathered together when Jesus came and stood among them displaying
Divorce A Godward Look at Divorce and Remarriage February 28, 2015 Divorce. It's an awful word. There's some words in the English language that evoke pleasant thoughts and happy images. Divorce isn't one of them. In fact, for
Appreciating the Trinity February 13, 2015 I don't know if I'm allowed to write what I'm about to, but I will anyway. I'm sometimes disappointed by the way many of us
culture The Day God Spoke to Katy Perry February 10, 2015 While many Christians were in their local church hearing God speak in the reading, singing, and preaching of his Word, Katy Perry was preparing for the half-time performance of Super Bowl XLIX. I
Marriage What If I Don't Think My Spouse is a Christian? January 23, 2015 The Bible is clear that a Christian should only marry a Christian. We gather that from where the Lord warned the people of Israel not to "make a covenant with the inhabitants
Jesus A Letter to the Doubting Christian January 09, 2015 Dear Mr. Doubting, Thank you for your last letter. It was honest and, I am sure, difficult to write. I myself have frequently been where you are--asking questions, doubtful about the truth, searching
Dr. Fundamentalis--"Faithful Unto Death" January 01, 2015 On January 1, 1937 J. Gresham Machen died. Though he died at the early age of 55, Machen was an accomplished man. He stood fast against the theological liberalism and Modernism of his
prayer What Must I Be To Pray? December 12, 2014 I trust you won't hold it against me if I told you that I've often wondered what makes someone a good prayer. I know, I know, that sounds awfully
Christ The Hatred of Adam's Hatefilled Race December 04, 2014 Watching the news and hearing conversations over the last several weeks has been very hard. The media circus and endless commentaries surrounding Michael Brown and Eric Garner should cause Christians to pause. There&
Christ My Eyes Flow With Tears November 28, 2014 A few years ago a little book caught my attention. Though I had read it before I noticed, for the first time, that it was unlike most books I had ever read. It
Christian A Letter to the Anxious Christian November 14, 2014 Dear Mr. Anxious, Hello friend! I wanted to thank you for your letter. I must admit, however, that I was sorry to hear of your many burdensome anxieties. They are a load you
Church In the Praise of Protestantism October 31, 2014 Sometimes I want to protest Protestantism. Well, to be fair, at least how Protestantism is now. There's a lot to be discouraged about. But on this Reformation Day I want to
Church The First Word of God to His Church October 24, 2014 Have you ever noticed that almost every letter in the New Testament–James, Hebrews, and 3 John excepted–opens with the words “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the
Psalms Speaking to One Another in Song October 10, 2014 If I'm honest, I think one of the downsides of being a pastor is that I don't often get to sit in the pews. I know pews aren'
Church The Rural Church Potential September 26, 2014 “In short, I like living in a small town. The urbanites may say that this is sentimentality, but I refuse to let the word frighten me. I believe that small-town life has values
The Sound of Faith September 12, 2014 What is faith? Sometimes we answer that question with closely associated words. “Faith is trust,” someone may say. Or, “Faith is belief,” says another. The older theologians—whom we would do well to