Hope The Toymaker's Tale January 21, 2025 ‘From my earliest recollections, I felt that something was profoundly wrong deep within my being. Why am I here? What is the meaning of life if we are all ultimately going to die? I felt utter despair’.
Bible Reading Plan Your Word is Truth December 18, 2024 Jesus prayed for His followers to be sanctified in truth. In a culture that bends truth to comfort, will we stand firm in God's Word, allowing it to transform and sanctify us? Truth matters.
Bible Don’t Settle for Glue: Pursue the Pure Milk October 02, 2024 Discover why only the pure milk of God's Word - not worldly distractions or even theological writings - truly nourishes the soul. Don't settle for spiritual substitutes.
Bible Reading Program 2024 Bible Reading Plans December 28, 2023 Vow five of communicant membership in the RPCNA states in part, "To the end that you may grow in the Christian life, do you promise that you will diligently read the Bible.
Bible Reading Program 2023 Bible Reading Plans December 31, 2022 “I will meditate on Your precepts, And contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statues; I will not forget Your word.” It's a new year! There are blessings that
Bible "Just the facts, Ma'am" December 21, 2022 How is it possible for humans to interpret the world around us? I mean, interpret it properly. Let me put it differently. What is the pre-condition for the ability to interpret the world
King James only Edward Hills & a Strange Providence September 08, 2022 Anyone familiar with debates over Bible translations knows that they can become intense. However, those who advocate that the King James Version of the Bible is the only faithful version can treat the
Bible Benjamin B Warfield and the Preservation of Scripture July 19, 2022 The careful reader of the Westminster Confession will notice that the preservation of Scripture is not described as “immediate” as was inspiration. Instead the Confession speaks of God’s “singular care and providence”
Bible reading 2021 Bible Reading Plans December 17, 2020 Let's get to the issue quickly. You should be reading your Bible. If you are on this blog you are most likely a Christian and your conscience bears testimony to this
Paul Dear Paul - Minister of the Word July 28, 2020 Introduction: As a young minister, the pastoral epistles instruct and warn me regularly. On my shelf are a host of books written from older pastors to their young Timothys. In these works, veteran
Bible R.C. Sproul - A Man of the Book December 14, 2017 As we exited the double doors at the back of the church the pastor was there to greet us and shake our hands. He had a warm smile and a twinkle in his
Authority Between Irrelevance and Inspiration: Rob Bell's "What is the Bible?" September 21, 2017 I imagine it was a paradisiacal day—whatever happy, joyful, and blissful picture that gives your imagination—when the serpent slithered to the woman in the Garden of Eden. He did not come
Bible Bungling My Way Through Romans April 08, 2016 As a young seminarian I was told: “You would be crazy to try and preach through the book of Romans without twenty years of pastoral experience.” I trust there is probably wisdom in
Bible Answering Jihad March 24, 2016 Every time another Islamic terrorist blows up something or someone, political and media leaders speculate as to the root causes of jihad. What possesses people to sacrifice themselves for the sake of killing
9/11 9:11 Bible Verses September 07, 2011 As the tenth anniversary of 9/11 draws nigh, the media is saturated with reflections on this defining event of our generation. Watching or reading certain pundits can be a maddening experience, as