David Murray Browse Worthy: Immigration November 19, 2015 Jared pointed out some good reading about refugees [https://gentlereformation.com/2015/11/18/good-reading-about-refugees/] yesterday. As the ISIS attacks and immigration issues call the church to exercise great wisdom, several other articles
Center for Medical Progress Browse Worthy: The Horrors Continue August 26, 2015 The eighth video from the Center for Medical Progress [http://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/] has been revealed, and the callousness of those working in the abortion and fetal body parts industry (Did I just
Female Body Image Looking into the People Mirror April 17, 2013 As Calvin taught in the opening of The Institutes of Christian Religion, we cannot truly know ourselves until we know God. A corollary to that principle (though it must be stated more carefully)
abortion Browse Worthy: Culture Wars April 12, 2013 As the cultural wars intensify, here are some links that will assist you: Suicide - Following the suicide of well-known pastor Rick Warren's son last week, there has been an explosion
Albert Mohler Browse Worthy: Presidential Inauguration Controversy January 16, 2013 Recently, an evangelical pastor named Louis Giglio [http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/01/10/louie-giglio-pulls-out-of-inaugural-over-anti-gay-comments/] withdrew from participating in the president's second inauguration ceremonies last week. His reason?