King Jesus The Crown of Thorns March 13, 2024 In His crown of thorns, Jesus embodies true kingship—turning mockery into a profound testament of sacrificial love. #KingJesus
Christian hope Hope for a Hopeless Nation February 22, 2023 One nation is enlisted by God to discipline another and then they themselves are disciplined for their own idolatries and immoralities. But, in the midst of this series of ruined nations, a kingdom was established with an eternal King.
COVID-19 Reviewing My Predictions for 2020 October 17, 2020 Who could have foreseen 2020 unfolding the way it has? What a weird year and there are still 10 weeks to go! A friend recently messaged me and asked “Well, did you get
September 11 A Greater Evil September 11, 2020 Following the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001, a few days later I preached the following message (slightly edited) to the congregation I served in Kokomo, Indiana, on the
psalm 104 Praise to Almighty, the King of Creation -Psalm 104:1-4 April 08, 2019 A while back our monarch came to Stormont House in Belfast, the Northern Ireland Parliament. Crowds lined the route & I got a look. The Queen seemed to shine in her horse-drawn carriage.