Ecclesiology A "Canceled" Synod? June 10, 2021 “Christians who can no longer listen to one another will soon no longer be listening to God either ..."
presbyterianism A City on a Hill June 09, 2021 Openness and visibility is the ordinary handmaid to the work of the church and not a liability to our public image, and secrecy and concealment have no regular part in our labors.
presbyterianism We the People of the Presbyterian Church December 12, 2019 Jesus himself has given it as a right and privilege, more precious than gold, that the membership select for themselves those for leadership who meet the biblical qualifications.
women A Brief (Maybe Incomplete) History of Women in the RPCNA July 09, 2019 I know the topic of the role of women is like a minefield and one misstep in today’s society may set off a chain reaction. It’s important to recognize the progress, sometimes regress, and hopefully more progress as the church strives to honor Jesus Christ.
Church Rural and Small Town Ministry August 03, 2016 I hope you won't mind if I indulge for a moment in some shameless self-promotion. Recently, the denomination I belong to and the one most affiliated with Gentle Reformation, the Reformed
Cache Creek Indian Mission Cache Creek Indian Mission March 10, 2016 The following article is a guest post by Russ Pulliam, who is a columnist for The Indianapolis Star, the director of the Pulliam Fellowship, and a ruling elder of the Second Reformed Presbyterian
Are Women Elders Scriptural? J.G. Vos' Work of Theological Renewal in the RPCNA April 02, 2015 Recently Gentle Reformation writers did a series on J.G. Vos []for theReformed Presbyterian Witnessmagazine. The following article was my contribution. In the article I referred
Christian Liberty Drinking and Christian Liberty March 16, 2015 For over a century, the denomination in which I serve was heavily involved in the temperance movement. Indeed, up until our recent history, ministers had to promise not to use alcoholic beverages as
Christian humor You Might Be An RPer If... November 04, 2011 []If your child hears the tune to Amazing Grace and thinks 3A, you might be an RPer. If your pastor refers to John Calvin at least twice in a sermon,