Psalm 87 Glad, Grateful, Guards of God's Gracious, Glorious Gates - Psalm 87 March 27, 2019 Here humble hearts explode into exuberant ecstatic praise - astonished, soaring, sons of Korah bless their amazingly good God. Outline The structure of the Psalm is easy enough to discern: it can be
Psalm 63 Day and Night - Psalm 63 March 23, 2019 This is a childhood favorite that we sang at morning worship - yet don't let church tradition rob you of its evening worth. Timings of references help us unearth three divisions:
Psalm 40 From Pits to Praise - Psalm 40 March 18, 2019 Another favorite from childhood - I always loved this Psalm which we used to sing to Spohr: later it enthralled, during messianic studies, when I noticed it in Hebrews. Context It helps to
Psalm 67 Joy To The World - Psalm 67 (or God's Ultimate Purpose) March 16, 2019 There are few hymns in the Psalms that can match this song for joy - it foresees, and fore-sings, the happy outcome of God's wonderful saving plan. Context Employed in temple
Reconciliation The Sheer Difficulty of Reconciliation March 11, 2019 I preached on Joseph several years ago now. This afternoon some thoughts came to crystallize in my brain. They basically deal with the potentially-massive problem of reconciling former friends who, for various reasons,
Psalter Thank God Always - Psalm 34 March 02, 2019 This has to be one of my very favorite songs. Yet it is only really this morning that I have put it all together. To me it reads like the Psalter's
Baptism The Case for Kids February 26, 2019 I sometimes think that the Church of Jesus Christ has complicated the whole matter of candidature for baptism. No doubt there is a place for minuscule debate, but surely it is sad if
Psalm 6 The Long Night of Sorrow - Psalm 6 February 23, 2019 In this first 'Penitential' psalm, through David's cry, we hear Christ's Spirit sigh. We could aptly name his lament: 'The Long Night of Sorrow'. Is
psalm 100 We Really Want to Thank-You LORD! February 16, 2019 Psalm 100 is one of earth’s best-known songs. For thousands of years, in many lands, it’s been church praise. The theme of Psalm 100 is: ‘Come to Worship God’. Use this
Despising the Day of Small Things? February 15, 2019 In Chapter 4, Zechariah awakes to an amazing vision of a lampstand: it reminds the prophet in times of meager ministry: > The church of the old covenant and of the new, purified
Schoolmates in Car Parks February 14, 2019 Just back from a quick 20 minute run at the Gym - it was one of those lunchtimes when you feel you could run for Ireland! I'd been hoping for an
Take it to the LORD in prayer! February 12, 2019 Here are some brief notes on Psalm 5 - they take the form of an answer to the question 'Why will God hear & help David?' Context No particular note is
Investment God's Lost Property Office February 11, 2019 I've been reflecting briefly on the parable of the talents - for all those involved in ministry, in one way or another, this is a sobering text that should make us
Riper for Repentance? February 09, 2019 Typically, many Christians tend to think of repentance as something they do at the start of their experience. Perhaps in more Reformed circles (and I put it no stronger than that) we have
parousia Ready, Steady, Go? February 09, 2019 Just reading through the difficult, confusing, chapter of Matthew 24 - I guess that, like all prophecy, the whole picture won't be totally clear until all its details have been fulfilled.
Give My Head Peace! February 08, 2019 Here are a few brief meditations on Psalm 4 Context Absalom rebelled, David relocated, and citizens rocked when forced to a choice - either side with the rebels or stand with the royals:
Pharisees Pharisaism in a Nutshell February 08, 2019 Seven salutary woes, in Matthew 23:1-36, reduced Jesus to warning and weeping (23:37-39) as he approached the Holy City for His final moments of earthly ministry. We could spend several days
palm sunday How did He know? February 05, 2019 What a happy time it has been for me as the Lord has refreshed me while I've been reading through Matthew's Gospel - I trust that continues to be
envy Guidelines for Grumbling February 02, 2019 Do you ever get annoyed when others get praise and no one compliments you? Maybe you honestly believe that you have borne the greater burden but others have arrived late with far lighter
psalm3 Safe to Sleep - Psalm 3 January 27, 2019 When David wrote this Psalm, he had been driven from his throne. His son Absalom rose up and, by saying what people wanted to hear, turned Israel against their king. His father left
Dying Thief Thoughts on Theology of the Thief January 26, 2019 In the middle of the night, about 10 days ago, before my brother Warren Peel published his post, I found myself wide-awake, with my head full of 'Thoughts on the Theology of
Christian witness Boldness for Jesus January 12, 2019 Introduction I've just been working through the Gospel of Matthew in my devotions recently, and I came this morning, 15th of December, the Year of our Lord, 2018 (some four weeks
A Thankful Heart January 07, 2019 A good way to start the day is by turning Psalm 103 into prayer! This Psalm is all about the Covenant - its blessings (v1-5), LORD (v6-14), permanence (v15-19), and right responses (v20-22)
No Third Way January 06, 2019 This morning I began to teach the little ones God's songs - the theme of Psalm 1, I explained, was 'Two Ways'. The first section, I went on, speaks
Very Telling Words December 29, 2018 How many foolish, hasty, angry, impatient, grumbling, critical, deceptive, unwise things we have said... if we know it instinctively, Jesus warns us of it biblically. Our Lord deals with words which are discredited,