The Thin Red Line March 14, 2022 Two weeks ago last night, just before midnight, we were about to head to bed after a full and satisfying Lord's Day. Then my cell phone rang. Seeing it was my
3GT Episode 255: Unpardonable! February 22, 2022 The professor is recording from the Rare Books Room of RPTS where breathing in the rarified air makes him ready to tackle almost any subject. The parishioner is hot on the campaign trail
3GT Episode 254: Trinitarian Shepherding February 16, 2022 Still limping along in biunial fashion, the parishioner and professor decide to talk about the Trinity. Especially, they meditate on a verse describing the Triune God's work of caring for the
God Makes Himself Known as Trinity February 14, 2022 For years in our kitchen it hung there, a reminder to our children. A small, framed picture of a little schoolhouse with a quote taken from the original college rules of Harvard: “The
Weeping for the Prodigal February 07, 2022 How do Christian parents pray for straying covenant children? For those who know the faith but have long abandoned it? The Apostle Paul gives us a model in the opening words of Romans
3GT Episode 252: Love, Sweet Love February 01, 2022 With Kyle away, the 3GT minus 1 crew decides to go a bit more tender this episode. For they address the simple yet profound topic of Christian love. In this polarized age that
Blogging Fruitless Blogging January 31, 2022 For me, blogging is an outlet for the extra expressions of life and ministry. Though I know for some authors it is their job to blog, not so for me. Just as a
Shepherding Is Never Outdated January 26, 2022 This article appears in this month's edition of Tabletalk [] magazine. The consistent biblical metaphor for caring for the local church is shepherding. Yet some believe this approach is
3GT Episode 251: Worshiping with Our Bodies January 25, 2022 As staid Presbyterian men, using their bodies in worship it’s not something Scott and Barry think about all that much. But a recent inquiry from a parishioner get them to thinking! For
3GT Episode 250: How to Listen to a Sermon January 12, 2022 We do it all the time. Listen to sermons, that is. Yet are we listening as we ought? Most preachers behind the pulpit spend a great deal of time preparing to deliver their
Turretin on the Spirit's Work in Preaching January 10, 2022 The following post was first delivered as a talk at the Westminster Conference sponsored by Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary [] last fall and then recently published in the Reformed Presbyterian Theological
Top Books Read in 2021 from Two Reading Aficionados January 08, 2022 The following post is from the Book Review Team of Greg Enas and Russ Pulliam, who annually submit a list of brief reviews of some of the books they read in the year.
3GT Episode 249: 3GT on CT's Top 20 for 2021 January 06, 2022 After a holiday hiatus, the boys are back! Well, at least two of them are, as Kyle's extended hiatus continues. After new year's greetings, the guys decide to reflect
Celiaism December 27, 2021 Though I typically write on themes of a more Biblical and pastoral theology nature, at times I take a stab at more creative writing. As I'm enjoying some holiday time with
What is the Binding and Loosing of Satan? December 21, 2021 Revelation 20:1-3 speaks of the binding and loosing (or releasing) of Satan. We read, > Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a
3GT Episode 248: The Gamble Trilogy December 14, 2021 Do you have a favorite trilogy? George Lucas' Star Wars? J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings? Perhaps even Ali v. Frazier? Well, on this episode of 3GT we
Praying in the Spirit December 06, 2021 This afternoon I returned from a wonderful weekend in Colorado. I can say with full conviction of heart, "The Lord was with us!" For I experienced God's people praying
3GT Episode 247: Church Planting Models November 30, 2021 Though still 3GT-1, Barry and Scott strike up a conversation about church planting. In particular, they discuss the different approaches that can be taken. They begin by sharing their own experiences in church
Sing with Thankfulness! November 29, 2021 As believers, we should not only be seasonally thankful but ever thankful. We can demonstrate our thanks to the Lord by obeying His Word, offering prayers of gratitude, and expressing appreciation to one
3GT Episode 246: On Not Being a Turkey at Thanksgiving November 23, 2021 With so much heated rhetoric, it's difficult to have a decent conversation these days. Everyone is shouting and no one is listening. No one seems to know how to disagree peaceably
Episode 245: The PCA, Prime Numbers, & NP November 16, 2021 With the pastor still absent, the parishioner and professor bring on another preacher to fill in. For Lee Hutchings, pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church in North Canton, Ohio, joins the boys to discuss
The Pursuit of Christ November 15, 2021 This past Friday evening and Saturday morning, I had the privilege along with three of my colleagues at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary [] to participate in
3GT Episode 244: Stay at Home, Wives? November 09, 2021 Without Kyle around to stir up trouble, Barry and Scott decide to get into some trouble of their own. For on this episode they discuss wives and mothers staying at home. They begin
3GT Episode 243: Opening the Mailbox November 02, 2021 The parishioner and the professor decide to take a virtual walk down the driveway to the mailbox and see what it contains. They read excerpts and respond to questions and issues 3GT listeners
The Preacher as a Workman November 01, 2021 Over the past several months, whether at work, church, a friend's house, or home, I have witnessed a number of finished projects. Wooden oak floors being restored to their original warm