Bittersweet Bittersweet Battle November 03, 2014 In the woods behind our home here in western Pennsylvania, we have found another menace in the forest besides the deer ticks []. Actually, it is a
Martin Luther Weekend Quote: Luther on the Word's Reformation Power November 01, 2014 From Martin Luther’s_ Works_, Vol. 51, 77: > I opposed indulgences and all the papists, but never with force. I simply taught, preached, and wrote God’s Word; otherwise I did nothing.
Halloween Browse Worthy: Reformation Day October 31, 2014 As today marks 497 years since Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenburg Chapel door, why not take a few minutes to reflect on God's use of that wondrous act
J.K. Wall Guest Post. J.K. Wall on Christ's Kingdom and Work October 30, 2014 _J.K. Wall is a business journalist in Indianapolis, where he is a member of the Christ Church Reformed Presbyterian congregation. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in history, writing his
An Earnest Ministry Preaching Earnestly October 27, 2014 In his classic work An Earnest Ministry: The Want of the Times [], John Angell James has much to offer the preacher in taking a sense of
Abraham Kuyper Guest Post: J.K. Wall on the Two Kingdoms Debate October 20, 2014 _J.K. Wall is a business journalist in Indianapolis, where he is a member of the Christ Church Reformed Presbyterian congregation. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in history, writing his
Atonement Weekend Quote: Bonar on Coverings for Sin October 19, 2014 From_ Light and Truth, Bible Thoughts and Themes_ by Horatius Bonar, in reference to Adam and Eve covering themselves with fig leaves after eating the forbidden fruit in the garden. > Man thinks
Melissa Edgington Browse Worthy: Holding Hands October 16, 2014 Often it is a little look, a quiet gesture, a soft touch that communicates so much. I wanted to highlight these two articles in the hope that you might stop today, take a
Bible Reading Program STAR Bible Reading Program October 13, 2014 Over the years I have used many Bible reading programs. From choosing different books of interest to McCheyne's classic plan to a consecutive Genesis-through-Revelation-in-a-year approach, when it comes to Bible reading
holiness Weekend Quote: Predestination and Holiness October 11, 2014 From _The Institutes of the Christian Religion _by John Calvin (Book 3, 23:12): > Another argument which they employ to overthrow predestination is that if it stand, all care and study of
Besetting Sins A Sermon P.S. October 07, 2014 This past Lord's Day I preached from Psalm 51 on the subject of confession. The message was based on Psalm 51:16, "The sacrifices of God are a broken heart,
Aaron Sams The Shepherding Seminary October 06, 2014 A year ago this month I was inaugurated into my position at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary []. In reflecting on my time teaching here, I looked over recently what I
J.C. Philpot Weekend Quote: Subduing Sin October 04, 2014 From _Through Baca's Vale_ by J.C. Philpot: > How many poor souls are struggling against the power of sin, and yet never get any victory over it! How many are
Aaron Sams Podcast: Distance Education and the Seminary September 29, 2014 Online education is dramatically changing the playing field in higher education. In 2011, 89% of four-year public colleges and universities in the U.S. were reported to offer online classes [
Conflict A Trinitarian Approach to Conflict September 22, 2014 Over the past two years, I have been looking at many different books on pastoral care written through the ages. One characteristic I have noticed in many of the writers is the emphasis
Apple Watch iDolatry September 18, 2014 First, a disclosure. I have an iPad and and an iPhone. These tools are wonderful helps to me. After a few double or missed bookings because my wife and I were unaware of
Barry York Westminster Conference 2014 September 15, 2014 Another post today to give you yet another conference series! Listening to the messages in both of these posts could keep you busy for quite a while! The Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary [http:
Rutledge Etheridge Rut Etheridge on "Refusing a Lesser Life" September 15, 2014 Rut Etheridge, chaplain at Geneva College and fellow _Gentle Reformation _blogger, recently spoke on the subject of sanctification at the Christian Life Conference of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Beaver Falls, PA.
Bumblebees Drops of Nectar September 10, 2014 At summer's end, at perfect time, _ Hosta shoots reach up high;_ As the purple cups, hanging down, _ Beckon those flying by._ _ _ With whirring wings and slender beak, _ Colors catching the sun,
Paul Faris The Pilgrim's Psalter September 08, 2014 Within the Book of Psalms, certain collections or groupings of thematic psalms can be found. One of the most easily identifiable is the fifteen psalms known as the Song of Ascents, Psalms 120-134.
Alzheimer The Power of Memory September 06, 2014 With my Uncle Don passing away this week, my mom lost both her brothers within a span of a few months. Sadly, her dementia makes it impossible for me to relate to her
David Murray Browse Worthy: David Murray's Student Tech Tips September 04, 2014 With school getting into full swing these days, it is important for students to work on their organizational abilities. In this increasingly technological age, boxes of crayons and notebooks with tabs are being
Scar Stories September 01, 2014 With her Carolina twang, Mommy told me to go let Daddy know that supper was ready. Heading out the front door of our little house on the dead end of the gravel road,
Summer Blueberry Thoughts August 27, 2014 Having just returned from vacationing near Lake Michigan, knowing my children will return to school tomorrow, and even seeing some leaves starting to turn because of the cool weather, I am reminded of
Austin Brown Podcast: Satan's Awful Idea August 13, 2014 Recently our fellow blogger, Austin Brown [] , self-published a book entitledSatan's Awful Idea [