Messiah the Prince Indiana's Christian Governors (Guest Post by Russ Pulliam) January 28, 2013 The Christian conservative movement may be dwindling in other parts of the United States. But in Indiana politics it has matured into a dominant influence in state government. The recent handoff from outgoing
Quite the Quotes January 23, 2013 A conference this weekend and a class this week has me running. Here are ten of the riches from reading I have discovered and shared with others along the way. The last two
Rosaria Butterfield Browse Worthy: Rosaria Butterfield January 18, 2013 _Gentle Reformation _had every intention of featuring our friend Rosaria Butterfield and promoting the wonderful story of her spiritual journey to Christ in the book _The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert [http:
Albert Mohler Browse Worthy: Presidential Inauguration Controversy January 16, 2013 Recently, an evangelical pastor named Louis Giglio [] withdrew from participating in the president's second inauguration ceremonies last week. His reason?
Blogging Short Rules of Blogging Etiquette January 15, 2013 Since Jesus promised that "every idle word shall be judged" (Matthew 12:36), bloggers need guidelines for holiness in speech. Though these goals can be disastrously missed on occasion, still one
Book Alert! January 11, 2013 For all those who enjoy or are learning to enjoy (like myself) reading ebooks, you should know that Crossway is having quite a sale. From now until January 15, all ebooks at Crossway
Atheism An Open Letter to Susan Jacoby January 10, 2013 Dear Ms. Jacoby, I read with interest your article "The Blessings of Atheism [] " in the
Alex Jones Browse Worthy: Guns January 09, 2013 Following the tragedy in Newtown, the debate about guns and their control rages on. Believers should meditate on the law of God and exercise the fruit of the Spirit so as to offer
My Rocky Mountain High January 08, 2013 Over the holiday break my wife and I spent a delightful extended weekend in Colorado. While journeying through the streets of Colorado Springs, one of our hosts pointed out the new marijuana shops
Enjoy the Break! December 27, 2012 As _Gentle Reformation _is a voluntary "post when you desire" blog, and with the coming and going of the holiday season, you will not see much of us here this week.
C.S. Lewis Inverse Proportions December 21, 2012 Mathematicians (please do not let that word keep you from continuing to read) talk about relationships that are inversely proportionate to one another. A simple equation such as y=1/x is an
Browse Worthy: More Meditative Thoughts on Tragedy December 18, 2012 Jared's post []on Saturday helped me a great deal to think in a Biblical way about the tragedy in Connecticut. We need this clear
My Nanny December 12, 2012 They say the best gifts come in small packages. Such was my Nanny. A picture of a gangly teenager, arm outstretched, Shows Nanny standing under it, smiling up at me. _Yet her soul
David Murray Browse Worthy: Good Works' Relationship to God December 11, 2012 Though clearly our aim is not to focus on controversial issues onGentle Reformation, there are times to make known debates when doing so will help sharpen the mind of the church on vital
Fiscal Cliff The Prison House of Debt December 07, 2012 As our leaders drive us down the road toward the fiscal cliff, we need help understanding the vast debt we are accruing as a nation. The video below [HT: Tim Challies [http://www.
Boots Police 'n Boots December 04, 2012 Surely you have seen the picture to the left, posted by Jennifer Foster on Facebook. Jennifer, a tourist from Arizona, snapped an impromptu photo of an NYPD police officer giving a homeless man,
David Murray Browse Worthy: Depravity and the Christian November 30, 2012 Here's a question to sharpen your mind before the weekend: Are Christians totally depraved? Now trace along the following links to discover the answer. Tullian Tchividjian [
Homesickness Uprooted: Interview with Rebecca VanDoodewaard November 28, 2012 Rebecca VanDoodewaard is the the author of the new book _Uprooted: A Guide for Homesick Christians []. _She is the wife of Bill,
Eric Alexander The Goal of Gospel Preaching November 27, 2012 Too often the pastor, in writing his sermon for the Lord's Day, falls into the thinking that the goal of his preparation is just getting the message done. That's
Disability Browse Worthy: Weakness November 22, 2012 We are always to remember the poor (Galatians 2:10), but especially at times of harvesting and giving thanks (Deuteronomy 24:19-22). Why not take a few moments today to reflect on these
A Miscellany of Chuckles November 20, 2012 “When not in a catalepsy of literary composition, I am essentially a man of action.” -Jeremy Garnet in P.G. Wodehouse’s Love Among the Chickens Recently my daughter sent our puppy over
Angels The Cross and Angels November 19, 2012 Surely discussing how many angels can dance on a pin's head is a waste of time. But what about considering for a moment the impact of Jesus' cross upon them?
Adultery A Warning to All Soldiers November 14, 2012 One hesitates to add a voice to the cacophony surrounding the revelations regarding General David Petraeus. Every little blogger should not feel the need, like buzzards on a carcass, to comment about this
Godly Heritage The Last Letter of a Godly Grandfather November 12, 2012 _Recently my wife's parents moved out of their home of many years. In sorting through their files, they came across the typewritten, hand-edited letter in the picture. This letter was from
al mohler A Deep Sigh November 08, 2012 Following the election, a story from one of my mentors has come to mind. When I was a young man in pastoral training, being dandled about upon the knee of Dr. Roy Blackwood