Boudia The Faithfulness of a Disciple August 13, 2012 I = 10 + 30D Know what this old formula was once used for? A hint is to think of the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "faithful."
Lakeside Ruminations August 09, 2012 _Since high school days I have been comingto Lake Michigan at my wife's parents' home(__where I am now writing this) __for vacations and getaways. A__s they are now
Impartiality Practicing While Preaching August 06, 2012 This past Lord's Day, I had to practice what I preached while I preached. How so? Lately I have been preaching each week on one of the eight qualities of heavenly
Computer Computer Screen Verses August 03, 2012 Pastors and elders, what about posting these verses above your computer screen to help with temptation? > Then he said to me, “Son of man, have you seen what the elders of the
Browse Worthy (8/2/2012) August 02, 2012 Creativity [] - Over at HeadHeartHand []David Murray, whose eye-pleasing website displays well his and others' creativity, has been doing a series
Prayer meeting Mentor Whispers July 31, 2012 Last week retired pastor Dr. Roy Blackwood, who has been a longtime mentor to me, and his family made yet more volumes of his library available. Knowing that many of my friends had
Lord's Prayer The Subject of Your Prayers July 30, 2012 I know this may sound like one of those cheesy ads on a website sidebar, or perhaps the trite fare so often offered in evangelical circles, but I do not know how else
Allergies Allergy Prescription from the Doctor July 25, 2012 One of the great soul ailments from which we all need to be cured is self-pity. How about I offer you a doctor’s prescription for it? In his homilies on Psalm 73
Summer Musings on Youth July 20, 2012 With spatters against roof and window beckoning us, our family was drawn last evening to sit on our front porch and watch together a soaking summer storm. Nothing like the drought here in
Anne Frank Jesus' Diary July 17, 2012 A diary, if shared, can open up for us the private thoughts and world of the author. Readers can feel as if they know the person and his or her time when they
Numbers 15 Of Sabbath Sticks & Stones July 05, 2012 Like traveling down a highway on a vacation trip only to come upon a grisly accident, reading through the Scriptures can have a jarring impact upon you at times. A short passage in
Carrie Underwood Rip Current June 26, 2012 Each summer our family spends time on the shores of western Michigan. Swimming in the cool water of Lake Michigan and riding its waves on floats or with bodies never grows tiresome. Sadly,
God-Man The True God-Man June 20, 2012 In this summer of superheroes, why not "marvel" over these truths? He was baptized as Man— but He remitted sins as God. He was tempted as Man, but He conquered as
Berenstain Bears A Stolen Motto June 11, 2012 In the children’s book _Berenstain Bear’s Nature Guide, _one page shows this famous bear family walking through the woods wondering at the beauty they see all around them. Displayed across the
Sweet non-Tweet June 09, 2012 Union w/ Christ is > that of head w/ body. That point made by the martyrs, who preferred 2 lose heads rather than Christ. -Nicolas Kavasilas
Gendercide Gendercide May 31, 2012 Gendercide is the newly coined term for the selective killing of people of one sex. Most often it refers to the practice of nations which encourage for cultural and/or for governmental reasons
Children Sermons Sermon Fit for a Child's Mind May 29, 2012 This past Lord's Day I preached a children's sermon. Twice. One was for the little ones in our congregation. Then a few hours later I used the same message,
A Graduation Reminder May 25, 2012 Last night Sycamore Covenant Academy [] had a graduation service for five young people. Through both smiles and tears (including this dad's), these godly young
The Unwavering Principle May 23, 2012 Drive out of my Indiana town in any direction and, before it is out of sight in your rear view mirror, you immediately encounter farmland stretching out before you. With this sunny spring,
Christian Pundit Church Architecture May 21, 2012 Rebecca VanDoodewaard at _The Christian Pundit [] _has been doing an insightful series on the architecture of churches, especially their sanctuaries. She shows how the architecture reflects the theological viewpoints of
Bristol Palin Another Curmudgeon on the Youth Culture May 16, 2012 In the book of Proverbs, a father tells his son there are two females vying for his attention: Woman Wisdom and Lady Folly (see Proverbs 9). It is somewhat like the old Dating
Using the Psalms as They Are Meant to Be Used (Michael LeFebvre) May 11, 2012 I asked Michael recently if we could feature a chapter of one of his books here at Gentle Reformation, and he graciously agreed. This article is taken from chapter five ofSinging the Songs
Congratulations, Dr. Williams! May 10, 2012 The news is out! Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary professor C. J. Williams [] successfully defended his dissertation to earn his PhD from the Baltimore Hebrew Institute of
Animal Lessons May 09, 2012 As you read through the Scriptures, over and over imagery from the animal world is used to teach. From the Proverbs encouraging us to go to the ants to learn diligent work (Proverbs
A Picture of This Momentary Marriage May 08, 2012 Having studied John Piper'sThis Momentary Marriage [] with friends at church, having seen the video below on Tim Challies' site [