Further Tribute to Denny Prutow November 27, 2024 Dr. Richard Holdeman is the Senior Pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Bloomington, IN. Rich is a former contributing author to Gentle Reformation and served on the Board of Trustees of Reformed
Bloomington Reformed Presbyterian Church God Keeps His Church October 21, 2021 We affirm that Jesus is still building His church and that He can and does use older congregations in His work.
Bloomington Reformed Presbyterian Church Celebrating 200 Years of God’s Faithfulness August 19, 2021 All over the world, Jesus is using small churches, who faithfully serve their local communities year after year with little or no fanfare, to build His great kingdom.
natural revelation An Awesome Display May 27, 2021 God sustains even the lowliest of creatures – those who have to live in the dirt for 17 years just to get a few weeks in the light.
justice The Quest for Justice April 22, 2021 We must always remember that justice will be imperfect at best until the great and perfect Judge returns.
9th commandment The Good Name of Our Neighbor March 25, 2021 Our obligation to protect the reputations of others is not limited to those who agree with us or who are not guilty of sin.
The Church in Revelation Accused No More February 25, 2021 In that great tribunal, the prosecuting attorney has been thrown out...
Sound Medicine Listening to the Data January 28, 2021 Although there are narratives being circulated that purport to reveal the dangers of the vaccines, we do not have to rely on semi-plausible stories about the vaccines when we have data.
The Church in Revelation The Incarnation and the Inevitability of Your Salvation December 24, 2020 The incarnation could not be stopped and neither can your salvation.
The Church in Revelation The Woman Clothed with the Sun November 26, 2020 By picturing the church as a woman wrapped in the sun with the moon under her feet and stars on her head, God reminds you that the church, wrapped in the perfections of Christ, is the most glorious and beautiful work God is doing in our world.
The Church in Revelation An Invincible Witness October 22, 2020 The witnessing church is invincible. The history of the Christian church displays this truth.
The Church in Revelation Vulnerable Yet Secure September 24, 2020 When you experience opposition from the world for your faith, you and I must remember that we are completely secure in Christ Jesus.
Sound Medicine Purveyors of False Hope August 27, 2020 Beware the peddlers of false hopes. They prey on the vulnerable, often using the opportunity of a medical crisis to extract significant amounts of money from unsuspecting and desperate people.
The Church in Revelation The Prayers of the Saints June 25, 2020 Our prayers on earth come up before God in heaven and result in dynamic manifestations of God’s power on the earth.
Lord's Day Learning to Love the Lord's Day: A Testimony on Sabbath Keeping - Guest post by Maggie (Holdeman) Becker April 23, 2020 Sabbath keeping is not easy... But what I have found is that Sabbath keeping becomes exponentially easier the more diligent I am in my work during the week.
The Church in Revelation Your Church is Triumphant March 26, 2020 How comforting to us – in this present crisis or any other one that comes along – to know that we are sealed in Christ and washed in His blood so that we can fight faithfully as long as we live on this earth.
The Church in Revelation Your Church Part of the Great Army February 27, 2020 ... while the church might not look like much to the world, it is, from God’s view, a massive, organized, and powerful army.
The Church in Revelation Your Church and the Priority of Worship January 23, 2020 If the throne is the central image of the universe, worship is the central activity.
The Church in Revelation Your Church in the Hand of Christ December 26, 2019 What an incredible thing the local church is! The church receives the ministry and protection of angels but, more than that, it is held in the right hand of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
The Church in Revelation Your Church is a Lampstand October 24, 2019 Let us embrace the breathtaking privilege of being part of churches, which are the receptacles of God’s Spirit, designed to display His divine light to the world.
The Church in Revelation Images of Glory September 26, 2019 On the ground, it is easy to view the church as weak and insignificant. That is exactly how the devil wants you to see it. From the perspective of heaven, though, the church is something unique and glorious.
church unity Seven Things the Lord Hates August 22, 2019 Christ paid a very high price to purchase His people and to unite them in love. Those who undermine the unity of the body are, quite literally, doing the work of the devil in opposition to Jesus.
Celbrating Life Golf and the Sanctity of Life June 27, 2019 The biblical basis for the sacredness of life is not tied to our function or form but on our being made in the image of God.
Westminster Confession of Faith The Efficacy of Baptism April 25, 2019 The Holy Spirit really works through the sacrament of baptism. Baptism is NOT something we do. Properly understood, it is something we receive – just like our salvation. But the Holy Spirit is not constrained to work through baptism only in the moment when it is administered.
Sound Medicine A Plea to My Brothers and Sisters Fighting Cancer March 28, 2019 To say that we are trusting God to heal us while at the same time refusing to use the methods that God has given to heal us is folly.