16 Messages That Will Transform Your Life. (The First 8) April 08, 2014 I’ve already recommended the following audio resources at my old website. But with the passing of time, and given the fact that many will probably be unfamiliar with my old site, it
Anathema (Letter 6) April 01, 2014 (You can find the Introduction here [https://gentlereformation.com/2014/01/14/anathema/]. Letter one here [https://gentlereformation.com/2014/01/14/anathema-letter-one/]) I cannot fully express the degree of appreciation I am
Podcast: Street Preaching March 20, 2014 Boldness in evangelism is typically not second nature. We are fearful, afraid of what people might think. Even the apostle Paul needed the prayers of the saints in this regard. Read again what
New Atheism Anathema (Letter Five) March 17, 2014 I can see your point and do certainly embrace it. Yet I cannot help but think that the line that exists between unlawful belief and state sponsored “religion” could be refined, if ever
Anathema (Letter Four) March 03, 2014 Prayer is a curious bug.I have been examining this phenomenon closely in patient 2H-A for days now, and while it is tempting to express confidence in my having come to a place
New Atheism Anathema (Letter Three) February 11, 2014 Journal Entry One June 14th I have decided to start journaling. I must confess that the activity feels rather foreign, as I have never been one to scratch out my thoughts on paper,
New Atheism and Christianity Anathema (Letter Two) January 30, 2014 Here is the intro [https://gentlereformation.com/?p=336274]. Letter One [https://gentlereformation.com/?p=336280]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Letter Two I suppose there is a touch of audacity to our efforts. Here we find
Christian Missions GenRef Podcast: Pastor Dave Long January 28, 2014 Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations
Christian Audio Audio Picks! January 20, 2014 A few audio picks to help warm your soul during the arctic doldrums of January: * Lecture series on Paul and his letters, by Ted Donnelly. With scholarly insight and pastoral care, Ted Donnelly
New Atheism Anathema (Letter One) January 14, 2014 [The introduction to this series can be found here [https://gentlereformation.com/?p=336274]] Letter One The patient exhibits classic signs of paranoia: fear of God, belief in original sin, belief in a
New Atheism Anathema January 14, 2014 How I came into possession of the letters to follow, which are by all estimations accounts of future events, I dare not share. Suffice it to say that certain esteemed individuals have passed
The 'Learning' In Contentment January 08, 2014 My favorite weekly meeting is Wednesday at 6 a.m. at Perkins Restaurant. There I recently had one of those jump-off-the-page-of-your-Bible experiences. Call me dumb, but I had never processed the fact that
Christians and cancer GenRef Interview: Rich Holdeman November 07, 2013 > “The design of God in our cancer is not to train us in the rationalistic, human calculation of odds. The world gets comfort from their odds. Not Christians. Some count their chariots
2013 Desiring God National Conference October 14, 2013 If you haven’t had a chance to listen to any of the Desiring God 2013 National Conference messages on the works/thought of C.S. Lewis, consider doing so. Several of them
Ardel Caneday GenRef Interview With Dr. Ardel Caneday October 11, 2013 “And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless
Christ's Victory over Satan Humiliation Through Humiliation September 09, 2013 He [Christ] disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him (ESV). -Col 2:15- With a stroke of the pen, the apostle Paul added
Klipsch Music Center Yearning For Heaven September 03, 2013 Positioned on a grassy hill, looking down on the stage where the musicians sang and played with artistic fervor, my heart could not help but yearn for heaven. Last night, my wife and
Christ in the OT Jesus on Every Page - An Interview with David Murray August 20, 2013 “The son trudges uphill, bearing wood for his own sacrifice; his father has decided to give him up to death. What biblical event does this bring to mind? Is it Abraham and Isaac
Is God Thankful? August 05, 2013 I was out walking the mail, just beginning to set off on another relay, when I received a text. It was from my wife. It read: “Give me your answer tonight: Is God
abortion Quick Audio Pick July 19, 2013 I stumbled upon a gem of a lecture. It’s by Dr. Megan Best. The title:New Directions in Assisted Reproduction: How Did We End Up Here? [http://thegospelcoalition.org/resources/entry/new_
Audio Picks July 02, 2013 Here are a few audio picks for your consideration: Conversations Special: Jonathan Edwards – Douglas Wilson [http://www.canonwired.com/category/resources/jonathan-edwards/] Not long ago, Douglas Wilson and Joe Rigney sat down to
atheism and morality One Converstion To Have With An Atheist - With Answers June 14, 2013 [http://genref.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/crooked-line.jpg]The atheism of today is a strange brew. Many of the more vocal proponents have a kind of eat their cake and have it
Gospel Coalition: National Conference June 02, 2013 [http://genref.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/gospel-coalition.jpg]Talk about bursting at the seams! This year’s Gospel Coalition National Conference will make a glutton out of your ears. The sheer range
John Calvin Calvin's Counsel on Gentle Reformation April 30, 2013 While studying for a recent sermon series on the Lord's Supper, I read an interesting passage in John Calvin's 1540 treatise on that sacrament. Toward the end of his
apologetics and Christianity What Are We Defending? A Simple Plea To Christian Apologists April 02, 2013 Formal introductions are made, the crowd applauds, and the Christian and non-Christian position themselves behind a lectern, notes in hand. It is a debate, a venue where two worldviews collide in an open