A Little Christmas Tunage December 13, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ_MGWio-vc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyPDQpel8bI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OZ5MoUXKgc
Three Guys Theologizing 3GT Episode 20: Common Grace? Paranormal Activity? November 29, 2016 In this episode, the guys catch up a bit (until the 13 minute mark) and then move into their two main topics: common grace and demon possession. [audio mp3="https://threeguystheologizing.files.
A Bit of Audio November 22, 2016 A few picks for the podcast inclined: * Intelligence Squared Debates: Give Undocumented Immigrants a Path to Citizenship [http://www.intelligencesquaredus.org/debates/give-undocumented-immigrants-path-citizenship] ? A fair-minded debate exploring the issue. * Sam Harris Podcast, Waking
A Reply to Robert Jeffress Is the Write-In Vote that Ill-Conceived? A Brief Response to Pastor Robert Jeffress November 01, 2016 I had one of those long, face scrunching moments while reading Dr. Robert Jeffress' article “Why Christians must vote in this election (staying home is not an option).” It's found
What Should Be One of My Chief Aims at Church? October 25, 2016 The answer is quite simple: encouragement. Now not just your own encouragement, which is important enough, but the encouragement of others. That's the aim. That's where the emphasis falls.
Crippling the Church October 18, 2016 There are a number of things crippling the life and witness of the church at present: a failure to preach God's Word, a disinterest in the real care of people, a
A Few Christian Voices on the 2016 Election October 17, 2016 Recent thoughts from a few Christians on the state of the election: * Wayne Grudem, "Trump's Moral Character and the Election [http://townhall.com/columnists/waynegrudem/2016/10/09/trumps-moral-character-and-the-election-n2229846] ."
slavery A Remarkable Outlook October 04, 2016 Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust. For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures
How to get podcasts So You Want to Dive Into Podcasts and Audiobooks? September 27, 2016 I am asked fairly often what it is I like to listen to. That is usually followed up with a question as to how one might go about doing such a thing. Well,
3GT: Which Path? September 19, 2016 [https://gentlereformation.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/3GT-logo8.jpeg]The gents begin by discussing the contours of a credible profession of faith (with an eye on Trump). Next comes a brief exploration of
One Tasty Audio Pick... And Let's Toss in a Movie for Fun August 29, 2016 So the theme is ethical dilemmas. Both the RadioLab episode and the movie I'm about to recommend present us with situations that unsettle our ethical equilibrium. Sometimes life in a cursed,
Temptation of Christ Satan's Opportune Time... August 23, 2016 It is worth observing that when Christ overcame the temptations of Satan in the wilderness, neither grumbling like Israel of old, nor capitulating like Adam, Luke adds these striking words, “Now when the
presbyterianism 3GT: Of Birthdays and Synods August 16, 2016 With the absence of Austin, Kyle and Barry forge ahead discussing the various happenings at Synod, as well as a few news items in the OPC and PCA. It’s a very Presbyterian
infant baptism Hebrews 8 and the Credobaptist Objection: A Reply August 01, 2016 Paedobaptist: So let me get this straight, one your biggest objections to infant baptism rests on the understanding that the New Covenant is comprised of only the elect/regenerate? Credo: That's
3GT: Trinity Talk July 26, 2016 Other than a brief moment of chuckling at some pictures of Kyle in his younger years, we spent our time talking about the current scuffle over the Trinity. [audio mp3="https://threeguystheologizing.
Audio Picks July 18, 2016 * This week's episode ofThis American Life [http://www.thisamericanlife.org/] features an interesting look into the backroom, candidate vetting process of the Republican party. Its about wealthy donors and the game
C.S. Lewis on the Crux of the Problem July 12, 2016 "How did the Dark Power [Satan] go wrong? Here, no doubt, we ask a question to which human beings cannot give an answer with any certainty. A reasonable (and traditional) guess, based
The Letter of Ignatius to the Romans July 05, 2016 One theologian spoke thus, "Just as we become aware of a meteor only when, after traveling silently through space for untold millions of miles, it blazes briefly through the atmosphere before dying
Gorge Thy Ears June 27, 2016 A few audio picks: * The men over at Reformed Forum weigh in on the current Trinitarian debate [http://reformedforum.org/ctc445/]. * A podcast affiliated with RadioLab has recently launched a new and superb
3GT Episode: To Desire or Not to Desire June 21, 2016 The gents discuss Christ and culture, technology and the question: Does God desire the salvation of all men? (And please forgive the quality of Austin's microphone. His regular microphone broke, and
Have You Ever Read the Epistle to Diognetus? June 07, 2016 It's true. I'm a fan of reading early, post-apostolic Christian writings. There's some really good stuff... as well as not so good. Be that as it may,
Three Guys Theologizing 3GT: Technobabble in the Bathroom May 30, 2016 In this episode we talk about the place and use of technology, transgender bathrooms, Herman Witsius and the Donald. Good times as always! https://threeguystheologizing.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/3gt-161.mp3 Download
A Few Words For Our Cultural Moment May 17, 2016 "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal,
A Brief Reflection on Ephesians 2:7 May 02, 2016 "4But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace