3GT Episode 242: The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards October 26, 2021 Once again the parishioner and professor invite another pastor on for tryouts (just kidding, Kyle). For Dr. Matthew Everhard, Senior Pastor of Gospel Fellowship Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Valencia, PA, joins the boys
Our Weekly Wedding Rehearsal October 25, 2021 Have you ever thought of how every Lord’s Day is like a wedding rehearsal? For the church knows where our faith as the bride of Christ is leading us. We are headed
3GT Episode 241: A Journey Out of Mormonism October 19, 2021 Still holding at 3GT minus one, the parishioner and professor invite another guest on this latest episode. They are joined by Laurie Zaffini, who tells of her incredible journey out of the Mormon
Sing with Your Faces! October 18, 2021 Surely, this is a post only a Presbyterian needs to write. For I speak of the blank and even dour looks often seen on people's faces when they are singing in
3GT Episode 240: Caring for the Caregivers October 15, 2021 This episode is still Borg-less, but it is not pastor-less! For Pastor Martin Blocki joins the prof and parishioner to share his unique story and offer his insights into caring for those caring
Oasis Places October 12, 2021 In the early summer of this year, I quietly passed the thirty year mark as an ordained minister of the gospel. These three decades have not been without trials and even temptations to
3GT Episode 239: The Incredible Story of Naghmeh Panahi October 05, 2021 On this episode of 3GT, the gentlemen are joined by Naghmeh Panahi [https://www.tahriralnisa.org/about/naghmeh-panahi/]. They along with their listeners have the privilege of hearing her share the incredible story
3GT Episode 238: Ministering to College Students September 30, 2021 "I was a stranger and you welcomed me." Jesus said this action reveals His true followers from false ones (see Matt. 25:31-46). Every fall across the nation, thousands of college
What Submission is Not September 27, 2021 The Lord is raising up a veritable army of holy women holding men accountable for abuse in the home, church, and society. Women such as Rachel Denhollander [https://rachaeldenhollander.com/], Jennifer Greenberg [https:
Episode 237: Justice - Do It! September 21, 2021 They are back! Well, at least two of them are. The professor and parishioner resume recording while the pastor continues his needed hiatus. On this episode, Barry actually interviews Scott as he just
Anointed with Oil September 20, 2021 Please bear with me as I describe a minor medical matter of mine. I know there's nothing like an old guy talking about his health to chase readers away. But it
The Nature of the Church's Marks September 13, 2021 This past weekend, I joined together with my fellow RPTS professors and Dr. John Tweeddale [https://reformationbiblecollege.org/faculty/john-w-tweeddale/] from Reformation Bible College [https://reformationbiblecollege.org/] for our annual Westminster Conference. I
When Gossip is Not August 30, 2021 (For obvious reasons, I will try to be as generic as possible in the following paragraph before getting specific about the topic at hand.) In recent months, I have had several people speak
3GT Special Announcement August 03, 2021 Want to know what it is? Listen to this brief update from 3GT! Download [https://threeguystheologizing.files.wordpress.com/2021/08/special-announcement.mp3]
The Art of Drawing the Line in Preaching August 02, 2021 When I was being trained to preach three decades ago now, one of my seminary professors regularly said in homiletics class, “The art of good preaching is knowing where to draw the line.
Pre-Boarders July 28, 2021 By nature, I am not one who loves to travel. Some people speak of loving to hit the road or board the plane. My favorite place to go is simply home. Yet the
Standing with the Little Guys July 12, 2021 As part of my duties as president of our denominational seminary, over the last month I attended the national meetings of several NAPARC [https://www.naparc.org/]churches. I participated in my own
Yes, I Cried Again July 06, 2021 To understand this post, you will first have to read this brief one [https://gentlereformation.com/2021/06/21/i-cry-at-weddings/]. It did happen again. The salty drops running down my face on the
Episode 234: P.S. Hey, What about REs? June 25, 2021 After the last episode [https://3gt.xyz/2021/06/17/episode-233-if-you-leave-me-now/] dealing with congregants and pastors leaving the church, a listener said, "Hey, wait a minute! What about ruling elders?" So
I Cry at Weddings June 21, 2021 Well, I prefer to call it more of a manly sort of tearing up. But it's true. I cannot prevent it. At some point at a wedding, my eyes always fill
3GT Episode 233: If You Leave Me Now June 17, 2021 The guys tackle a situation often faced by people in the church. What do you do when a fellow member tells you they are leaving the congregation? Unlike a previous episode [https://3gt.
Preaching by Faith June 14, 2021 From the pulpit and in his ministry, the pastor must preach the faith. In other words, he is bound by confession and conscience to proclaim the doctrines of the faith in truth and
3GT Episode 231: The Preacher Behind the Curtain June 02, 2021 In this latest episode of Three Guys Theologizing, the parishioner asks a question to the preacher and the homiletics professor on a listener's behalf. How do these men go about about
Evangelistic Videos May 31, 2021 Recently students at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary were challenged to produce videos of 3-5 minutes that proclaimed the gospel to others. Students in adjunct professor Ed Blackwood's evangelism class has to
3GT Episode 230: Presbyterian Liturgy? May 25, 2021 The three guys who theologize return to one of their favorite topics - worship! The prof starts off this episode suggesting that all churches have a liturgy as they worship, then lets the