Lesbianism and Christianity A GenRef Podcast: Interview with Rosaria Butterfield & Ken Smith March 12, 2013 I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. -Psalm 9:1- Stories of conversion are a wonderful thing. Through them God’s
Blind Evolution January 26, 2013 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59YN8_lg6-U&feature=player_embedded] I recently watched a video about a man born blind trying to understand color. Naturally, he couldn’t grasp the
Christian gamers The Hobbit, Magic, and the Christian Worldview December 18, 2012 A good question was recently asked by Scott Doherty. He wrote, “I have a suggestion for you fellows, seeing that once again the Tolkein books are being made into movies. A perennial question
Books That Have Shaped Our Lives December 04, 2012 While imprisoned in a dank cell, the Apostle Paul made a request. He asked Timothy to bring him three things. “When you come,” he said, “bring the cloak that I left with Carpus
Athanasius Holidays and Holy Days December 03, 2012 The following article is a guest post by Dr. Michael LeFebvre, Pastor of Christ Church in Brownsburg, Indiana, author of Singing the Songs of Jesus: Revisiting the Psalms [https://www.amazon.com/Singing-Songs-Jesus-Revisiting-Psalms/
A Small Basket of Audio Picks November 10, 2012 How about a few audio recommendations for your listening pleasure? 2012 Desiring God National Conference This recommendation should come as no surprise. I’m a huge fan of the conferences put on by
church polity The Trellis And The Vine October 13, 2012 While at my parents home this summer I snapped this picture on a whim, then stuffed it in "digital memory" ... meaning I forgot it. Today I found it, and meditate upon
Free Speech and Homosexuality Two Audio Recommendations... Along with a Bar of Soap October 02, 2012 I’ve got a couple audio recommendations. Both are shocking, though for different reasons. In the case of Douglas Wilson’s relatively recent talks on human sexuality at IU Bloomington, the event proved
Penetrating the Darkness September 12, 2012 Talk to someone opposed to the existence of God, perhaps an agnostic or an atheist. What do you encounter? Questions. Many, many questions. But not merely questions, as if they’re sentences simply
Fear Are We Really Supposed to Fear the Lord? September 06, 2012 Every now and then, people ask me why the Bible talks so much about fearingthe Lord. Isn't it odd to speak of serving God using a word like "fear"
D.A. Carson on Parables August 28, 2012 I recently stumbled upon a series of messages by D.A Carson that deserves your attention. Speaking with his usual scholarly insight, as well as pastoral heart, Dr. Carson masterfully unpacks a number
Cleaning The Crib August 11, 2012 August is a very important month in my pastoral ministry. The way our family works, summer is the time to travel, stay up late, and do things out of the ordinary. It is
The Extraordinary Logic of Romans 5:9-10 July 26, 2012 If you’ve never heard of the term a_ fortiori_, you’ve almost certainly reasoned in a way that reflects its meaning. The idea behind it is basically this: “How much more then?
2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians and the Grand Purposes of God July 13, 2012 I’ve been chewing on 2 Corinthians lately, not in the slow methodical way where each sentence is carefully weighed in the balances of exegesis, but at a normal pace, like how a
An Ensemble of Audio June 26, 2012 Lots to download, folks. Gorge your ears! The Bible Meets the Modern Age: A Conversation with Former President Jimmy Carter [http://www.albertmohler.com/2012/03/26/a-conversation-with-former-president-jimmy-carter/] Al Mohler had the distinct
atheist double standard A Quick Reflection June 15, 2012 “I can understand why the notion of God has arisen and persisted, for it provides a simple purported explanation of great matters. It is a comfort blanket for the anxious and deprived, and
Ever Had One Of Those Weeks? June 14, 2012 Ever had one of those weeks when everything you touch seems to go to dust. Just had one, at least I hope it's over. Ever been in a situation/s where
In Case You Missed T4G May 30, 2012 I have only listened to three of the 2012 main session T4G messages, and all three were superb! If you can find time to listen to these, or at least one of them
Church problems An Ancient "Problem-Solving" Technique May 15, 2012 My friends speak of it. I hear distant reports of it. And I have seen it with my own eyes, more than once. It seems that wherever I turn, the same problem runs
The Gift of Faith April 27, 2012 It never struck me, quite the way it did this week, how very alone Jesus was as he went to the cross. A couple friends and I are doing a Bible study through
What should a Christian think is sexy? What is Sexy? Victoria’s Secret and the Glory of God April 09, 2012 Dr. Mark Liederbach, associate professor of Christian Ethics at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, recently gave a provocative and insightful lecture at SEBTS. Speaking with both skill and precision, Dr. Liederbach attempted to answer
Does God make a difference to justice Prevailing Justice March 27, 2012 I can remember sitting in the deliberation room with my fellow jurors wrestling with the evidence. We were trying to decide whether a man should be found guilty of child molestation. It was
gender roles A Few Tasty Audio Recommendations March 18, 2012 EFCA Theology Conference on Gender Roles Many have weighed in on the debate between complementarianism and egalitarianism. But to date, I cannot say that I know of a better presentation of the biblical
Alex Rosenberg Spreading the "Joy" of Atheism March 08, 2012 “Is there a God? No What is the nature of reality? What physics says it is. What is the purpose of the universe? There is none. What is the meaning of life? Ditto.
Prophecy in the Church Today. Or Not. - Ian Hamilton vs. Wayne Grudem February 29, 2012 It wasn’t a great debate, but it wasn’t a bad one either. Here’s why. On the plus side, both men dealt with each other in a gracious manner (No chair