Christology 101 – James White October 11, 2011 []Every now and again, I swing over to Alpha and Omega Ministries to see what James White is up to. If you didn’t
Finish the Mission: For the Joy of All Peoples - 2011 DG National Conference October 03, 2011 I just finished listening to this year’s Desiring God National Conference, and I must say that it was excellent! While each speaker spoke with passion and shed light upon the church’s
Stephen Charnock- On the Power of God September 27, 2011 "The power of God in creation requires not those degrees of admiration, as in redemption. In creation, the world was erected from nothing; as there was nothing to act, so there was
Calvinism Of God’s Eternal Decree September 11, 2011 In the Exodus account, a book brimming with God’s sovereignty- not least of which includes Paul’s citation of 9:16 in the ninth chapter of Romans- one is nevertheless confronted with
five thousand A Blessing Over Them September 06, 2011 Jesus hadfully identified []with his Twelve. He had sent these disciples out on a mission. And now he wastryingto draw away for focused time with
Christus Victor – Sinclair Ferguson September 02, 2011 []I’ve been working on a book for about a year and a half now. It’s a biblical theology on the fall of Satan. I
brothers A Band Of Brothers August 31, 2011 [] [Warning: Some links depict war violence] It must have been a rather sad day for Mary. She had set out early with James, Joseph, Judas, and
Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology – Dr. Robert Strimple August 25, 2011 []Mary is the mother of Jesus. Jesus is God. Therefore, Mary is the mother of God. God commands us to honor our mother and our father.
sanctification God Knows What He's About August 25, 2011 When God wants to drill a man ** And thrill a man** ** And skill a man,** ** When God wants to mold a man** ** To play the noblest part;** ** When He yearns with all His
Internet Publishing Peace? August 23, 2011 Christians in this 21st century ought to be aware we are living through a media transformation on par with the invention of the printing press in 1440 [
Inerrancy August 20, 2011 I remember the day in the 1990s I jumped online to browse seminary websites. It was a research project with profound consequence! I was a teenager part way through Bible College. I was
Generational Conflict in Ministry August 19, 2011 D.A. Carson has written a timely article entitled “Generational Conflict in Ministry.” See if the first paragraph catches your attention: “About five years after the Berlin wall came down and the communist
sola scriptura A Worship Revolution August 17, 2011 [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="A book on a cappella singing by John Price. For sale at Crown and Covenant for one penny more
Built On The Rock August 17, 2011 [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="354" caption="The 2011 TFY Team."] [][/caption] The heart cannot exalt in what the
Elie Wiesel The Ultimate Reason Why There Is Suffering August 12, 2011 It is a raw, emotionally tearing book, and even though it has been years since I last read it, certain sections have stayed with me. I am referring to Elie Wiesel’s book,
Were the Early Church Fathers Calvinists? - A Brief Reply to Dr. Fernandes August 05, 2011 In a recent debate over the five points of Calvinism, Dr. Fernandes said the following: “Another problem for Calvinism: No one held the Calvinist view of predestination until Augustine. If the apostles taught
The Five Points Of Calvinism, A Debate - Dr. Fernandez vs. Mr. Comis July 29, 2011 [//]Debates are a fickle thing. In order for them to be helpful, which, unfortunately, many are not, there needs to be a few crucial ingredients. (1)
Christ the Center – Dr. James Dolezal July 22, 2011 []If there’s one thing I appreciate about the podcast Christ the Center it would be their willingness to keep the cookies on the top shelf. In other words,
Alvin Plantinga Postage Due, Jedi Mind Tricks, and, of Course, Neo-Darwinian Evolution July 15, 2011 Instead of walking the mail this week, which affords me the pleasure of listening to many an MP3, I’ve been delivering the mail from the ease of a postal truck, which of
Two Weeks of Listening. Some Snapshot Thoughts July 07, 2011 Apologetics 315 Interview with David Wood Excellent interview exploring the subject of Islam. Instead of looking at the historical evidence, which is rarely what Muslims care to explore, David Wood very helpfully shows
The Warnings of Scripture. A Reflection June 30, 2011 Recent circumstances have reminded me again of the importance of the biblical warnings. Here I have in mind those passages of Scripture that warn saints that they must continue in the faith or
Business for the Glory of God (Clarus Conference) – Wayne Grudem June 22, 2011 []How might you answer these questions? Is God pleased with our owning things? Is God pleased when we take materials from the earth and
Is Anything Worth Believing? - John Lennox June 15, 2011 [!/v/1051] The latest issue of_ Scientific America_ headlines: The Physics of Intelligence Evolution has packed 100-billion neurons into our three-pound brain Can we get any smarter?
Gospel Coalition Workshops: A Tasty Assortment June 08, 2011 The workshops at this year’s Gospel Coalition National Conference have been good. And a few have been outstanding. Of the some 35 or so sessions, I’ve listened to about a third.
John Piper Interviews Rick Warren on Doctrine June 01, 2011 [] I am not a Rick Warren aficionado. I don’t have the foggiest idea what he does on Thursday afternoon, nor do I listen to his