3GT Episode 306: Presbyterian Pastor-Making Ingredients February 20, 2024 After conferring upon Barry another title and hearing what a good time he and Scott had together over the weekend, Kyle brings up another topic that shows the 3GTers are about all things
The Verdict February 19, 2024 As many of our followers on Gentle Reformation will know, two years ago this month our son-in-law, Tommy, was shot in the line of duty in his third week on the job as
Episode 305: A Miscellany of Topics February 13, 2024 For a funny reason, the guys get introduced as characters from Back to the Future such as Biff and Marty McFly, which is about the only theme that ties this episode together. For
3GT Episode 304: Practical Shepherding February 08, 2024 After establishing Kyle‘s proper location and noting that Scott is wearing a pink sweater, the guys get down to the task at hand. What does it mean for elders to shepherd the
Top Books Read in 2023 from Three Reading Aficionados January 29, 2024 Book reviews from Indiana: Greg Enas, Eli Lilly statistician and civic leader in Indianapolis, shares his list of 2023’s best books. David Seibel, head of school at Coram Deo Academy, a classical
3GT Episode 303: On Christian Nationalism with Colin Samul January 26, 2024 In this episode, Kyle, Barry, and the other guy bring a special guest to help them with a controversial topic. Pastor Colin Samul joins the pastor, o the professor, and the other guy
3GT Episode 302: Elementary or Circumstantial? January 15, 2024 As the boys open up another episode of 3GT, they go about their common bantering to begin. But then they settle in to discussing the topic at hand, which is "What is
Prayer: A Means, Not a Mark? January 08, 2024 Recently, I wrote an article on prayer as a means of grace. As the Westminster Shorter Catechism states: Q. 88. What are the outward and ordinary means whereby Christ communicates to us the
3GT Episode 301: Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age with Rosaria Butterfield December 26, 2023 Though down a professor, the parishioner and pastor bring on another one far more renowned. For Dr. Rosaria Butterfield, author of Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, comes onto 3GT to discuss her
3GT Episode 300: Gird Up Your Loins! December 18, 2023 After a lengthy, way-too-long introduction that involves the likes of Michael Bolton, Scott finally reigns it in and gets to the subject at hand. A listener wants to know how to treat the
A Thanksgiving Psalm November 23, 2023 After Psalm 23, perhaps Psalm 100 is the most known of the psalms in the American church. With the tune known as Old Hundredth, this psalm has been sung for generations. Psalm 100
3GT Episode 299: "I Didn't Survive" with Naghmeh Panahi November 20, 2023 It's not often that the 3GTers have repeat guests on the show. But some people have such a story one episode hardly does it justice. Such is the case regarding the
3GT Episode 298: Update on Tommy & Emory November 13, 2023 Many listeners know that on February 27, 2022, Barry's son-in-law, Tommy Mangan, was shot through the throat in the line of duty as a police officer in Indianapolis. (To learn and
3GT Episode 297: 1GM November 06, 2023 Well, it finally happened. Only one guy showed up to record an episode. Of the three, which one is most likely to be able to monologue for an entire episode? Yep, you guessed
3GT Episode 296: Grow Up! October 24, 2023 Want a podcast introduction that basically contradicts the theme of the episode? Leave it to the 3GTers! After the guys joke around like teenagers for a while, they get down to the task
3GT Episode 295: Is Sunday Best the Best? October 17, 2023 Pennsylvania civil magistrates may not be the best place to look for clothing decisions, with some men dressing as women and others, well, hardly dressing at all. But Kyle, knowing these are Barry&
Episode 294: A Little Pneumatology for You September 25, 2023 The boys banter about the change in weather, going to kid's fall sporting events, and Scott wearing a cardigan. Then they get down to the subject at hand. They discuss what
3GT Episode 293: Roast Preacher September 15, 2023 The old joke goes that many church folks have roast preacher for Sunday dinner, as they go home after the service and criticize the sermon. As the parishioner had recently read a list
3GT Episode 292: Preparing to Commune August 28, 2023 After a summer hiatus, the guys are back! After catching up a bit, they turn their attention to the important topic of preparing to come to the Lord's Table. In the
3GT Episode 291: Christians and Wealth July 18, 2023 As the three amigos / three musketeers / three stooges (You choose one!) are back together again, they respond to a question from a regular listener. What are Christians who have earthly riches to do?
3GT Episode 290: (Local) Church and (Local) State July 10, 2023 Often discussions about church and state are of the big picture variety. Theological debates about Christ's rule over the nations. Arguments over the boundaries of ecclesiastical and governmental authority. Opinions about
3GT Episode 289: Worship, Feasting, Rest, Mercy June 26, 2023 Crown & Covenant Publications continues to issue accessible books on basic Christian doctrine through their Grassmarket Press imprint. Their most recent release, Worship, Feasting, Rest, Mercy: The Christian Sabbath, is an insightful and
Transgenderism and Kids June 20, 2023 Last week at the Presbyterian Church in America's General Assembly, I had the privilege of meeting Mary Weller, the Project Coordinator and Public Relations Manager of truthXchange. She shared the resource
3GT Episode 288: The Character of a True Theologian June 06, 2023 The guys open up this episode reflecting on the recent passing of some prominent pastors, such as Gordon Keddie, Tim Keller, and Harry Reeder. These ministers were not only pastors but theologians and
3GT Episode 287: We Don't Need No Education? May 18, 2023 Pink-Floyd protested, with deliberate grammatical incongruity, against bad school systems. As they said, we don't need just another brick in the wall. But what should the education of our children look